KstewDance Kristen Stewart Krisbians, Robsten, and Kristen Obsession!: Krisbian RANT: Kristen Fucking Haters

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Krisbian RANT: Kristen Fucking Haters

Are people really still on the fucking comments like: "Kristen looks retarded." "Kristen has no expressions." "Kristen can't act for shit." "Kristen is ugly." "Kristen looks like a dog that got ran over in the face." "Kristen looks like she's going to throw up." "Kristen is stuck up and thinks she's better than everyone."
Well, you know what? Kristen is fucking better than you. She is a better person than you. Have you tried acting at all? I want to see you look like if you're having a seizure. I want to see you screaming and writhing in pain! It's not that easy fuck nut! Kristen is one of the most amazing actresses in this fucking generation!!

Stop hating on someone just because she came out in a movie you don't like! Maybe she's supposed to act like that in Twilight?! Huh? Have you thought about that?! Have you even watched Panic Room? Or The Cake Eaters? The Messengers? The Yellow Handkerchief? Adventureland? Welcome to the Riley's? The Runaways? Snow White and the Huntsman?! No? Well go fucking watch them! She's fucking bad ass in every single one of them! I can name all her movies! And I know she's amazing in every single one of them!

How about you stop judging her acting based on Twilight and go watch some of her other bad ass movies!

I'm tired of every one saying all this shit about her! Bitch please! This was a ages ago! Get some new fucking comebacks or some shit! It's getting so old!

And I hate going on Google or something, and seeing pics of Kristen that say something like 'Kristen Trying to Smile' and with a gif of her doing one of her many goofy faces.

People claim that they hate her or don't like her, but they have fucking sites and blogs about how much they hate her. If you hate someone, you don't make sites of pages about them. What kind of bull shittery is that?!

And you know what? You say Kristen has no emotion in the movie Twilight, just because you hate it. But guess what?! Jennifer Lawrence doesn't exactly smile all the time in the movie. I love Jennifer Lawrence, but she kept a straight face! But that's because she had to! And in Twilight maybe Kristen had to too! And Kristen DOES smile in the Twilight movies! You guys are just acting stupid!

I bet Kristen is sick and tired of this shit! 'Cause I know I am!! One day, we are just going to go out in the world and shoot you!

                                                           Like THIS! But with a REAL gun...-_-

                           Kristen is going to be in a balcony shooting you all like this..while I'm shooting you in the fucking mouth.

You either Love her...or you LOVE to hate her. And Loving to hate her is the same thing as loving her! Because you are constantly thinking about her and talking about her! Obviously SHE is on your mind 24/7 if you're going to be acting like this!

And I just fucking hate, when people are saying that SWATH is going to be an awful movie just because Kristen is in it!

I was on rage comics not to long ago, and I saw one that had a person looking at the trailer and loving it, thinking it was going to be bad ass...but then got surprised when he saw Kristen, and then fucking claimed that it was now going to be an awful movie and he was not going to see it JUST because Kristen is acting in it.

What kind of bullshittery is that?!

I just sometimes want to SMACK the SHIT out of everybody(Even my friends) when they criticize Kristen. I sometimes walk away or hold back when I hear them talking shit.They should know better than not to talk about my woman that way!

People don't know why I am so defensive or obsessed with Kristen. But it's just not worth it explaining how she changed my life. Kristen and I are VERY similar. I have always been so shy, awkward, ALWAYS have stuttered (my parents should know), I bite my lip, I talk with my hands, I run my hand through my hair and play with it.

So hating Kristen is like hating me. I tell my friends that don't like her that, and their usual response is: "But you're fun!" "You smile!" "You're loud!" "You're not stuck up!" etc etc etc...

And I ALWAYS say.."Well you know what?! So does she! We are not that different! *apart from her beauty*" But attitude/personality wise, we are the same. And their are a lot of people like that! And if you are like that, and you hate/don't like Kristen, then you are a fucking hypocrite! I would say fucking more but I am done ranting and I don't need to fucking explain any shit to you fuckers!

So, bye! Fuck off! Have a shitty life!

And bye, lovely Krisbians:) ♥

Krisbian for E V E R♥

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