KstewDance Kristen Stewart Krisbians, Robsten, and Kristen Obsession!: RIP TwiFan Gisela

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

RIP TwiFan Gisela

Lovely Twihards.

Today we have lost an important TwiFan. She was such a dedicated fan that this loss is affecting all of us. When I found out I was crushed. I cried. I was so upset. I know I didn't know her but it affected my Twilight Heart. Some people find it ridiculous crying for a person you didn't even know. And that pisses me off. Because we DID know her. She was part of our family. A member of our family had died. Even though some of us didn't know her that well or at all....Fandom is Family. And she was part of this family.

She could have been the cousin we have never met, or the long lost sister..etc. And we love her, and mourn for her because that is what families do.

"Death is Peaceful. Easy. But life is harder."

"I'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love..seems like a good way to go."

A car. A fucking car. That was just enough to ruin and crush her dreams to meet the cast and go see BD part 2. A fucking car. Something so little but dangerous ruin some peoples lives.

I hope that from heaven, you can see Comic Con and The Twilight BD Epic Finale. I hope that you fan girl like the rest of us. I hope that you will love it like we all will. I hope you remember that you will live in this fandom's hearts forever.

Remember that we will always love you and remember you.

Kristen Stewart loves you.

Robert Pattinson Loves you.

The Twilight Cast Loves you.

We will always love you <3


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